Plan, install, and maintain a micro forest in Los Angeles.

A free guide to help you successfully install a micro forest that is compatible with the unique native ecology of Los Angeles and its nearby hillsides.

Design rendering of forest with large tree trunks and greenery in foreground, and three people within the forest with a beam of sunlight highlighting them in the background.  One person points excitedly at something and two other people looking.


Micro forests (also called pocket forests, mini forests, and tiny forests) are densely-planted and multilayered indigenous forests planted in small urban spaces which act as self-sustaining ecosystems that reconnect fragmented habitat and restore biodiversity in the city.

Person’s hands shown on either side of a mound of soil.  Soil is mounded in a circle around a newly planted plant, creating a berm which holds water when the plant is irrigated.

Create your forest

A guide to the process of planning, installing, and maintaining a Micro Forest in Los Angeles.

Rows of young plants in black 1 gallon nursery pots.


Plant suppliers, urban forest communities and other helpful material to help you get started.